SMAC undergrad, Taijing Chen, has been awarded a Hilldale Undergraduate Research Fellowship for the summer of 2020.
Jenna Krakauer Receives the Sophomore Honors Summer Apprenticeship
SMAC undergrad, Jenna Krakauer, receives the Sophomore Honors Summer Apprenticeship from the Letters & Science Honors Program at UW-Madison.
Taijing Chen presents poster at UW-Madison’s Undergrad Research Symposium
SMAC lab member, Taijing Chen, presents a poster on the topic of auditory feedback at UW-Madison’s Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Sarah Bakst & Ben Parrell speak at UCSF symposium
BLAB postdoc, Sarah Bakst, and SMAC P.I., Ben Parrell, speak about current research at the UCSF Symposium: Neural Bases of Speech Production.
Second Launguage Sciences colloquium talk
Ben Parrell gives the second Language Sciences colloquium talk of the semester.